Friday, April 30, 2010

Like It Is.....

AZ..."show us your papers."

Over-the-top reaction to the signing of the State's strict anti-illegal Law hit the air with this rant by Cardinal Roger Mahony; "I can't imagine Arizonans now reverting to German Nazi and Russian Communist Techniques." (And I thought the Tea Partiers had it bad?) Yeah, Hitler had a come back this week.

That said, all the law does is enforce Federal Immigration Laws already on the books. The Law makes it a state crime for aliens not to have immigration documents on their person. Police officers, after jumping through many just cause hoops, can ask for papers in the course of other police traffic stops. Hardly draconian.

Financial Regulatory Bill

Dodd's Bill is filled with special interest loopholes and exclusions yet it claims to subject all "too big to fail" institutions to tough new regulations; in fact, far from protecting the little guy and sticking it to the fat cats, this bill keeps good, old fashioned political patronage alive and well.


This administration is stock full of Goldmen Sachs luminaries..Goldman contributed enormous sums of money to Obama's campaign; soooo, a "conflict of interest" between the WH and Goldmen Sachs, is not a stretch to surmise. In this climate, Goldman Sachs executives testified before Carl Levin's Senate panel..the result was more farce than discovery. The entire Senate panel showed a bipartisan commitment to poor manners and vacuous arrogance...when they didn't get the answers they went after, they insulted the witnesses.

Imposing regulation and taxes as punishment characterizes a forced transfer of power from private industry and free markets to government. The WH and much of Congress seem determined to punish success and wealth under the failed socialist theory, that IS..Obama's vision for the transformation of America.

Drill Baby Drill?

As the oil spill floats towards the coast of Louisiana, Obama is thanking his lucky stars for the opportunity to take back his only gift to Republicans this year, "off shore drilling." That tentative concession is on hold while Obama's Eco-nerds start writing restrictions for Big Bad Oil as they head for the mess in the Gulf of Mexico.

British Petroleum is responsible for the cost but because they had no back up plan to quickly and effectively stop and clean up a catastrophe of this magnitude...they've endangered the sensitive coastline of the Big Easy AND the drive to drill for demestic oil...BP has a valve that could've stopped the leak, but alas, for some unfathomable reason, this rig did not have a shut off valve, soooo, the pollution continues unabated for about 90 days.

This accident sets back the argument for domestic drilling of oil and gas. Without a doubt, US independence from foreign oil will be stymied as long as Obama is King.

Friday, April 09, 2010

VAT Chance?

The VAT is a type of national sales tax much like a Flat Tax, levied on the value added at each stage of production. If imposed without eliminating the existing Income Tax system, a VAT would finish the transformation of our Country into a European-style slow-growth nation.

If proponents wanted a VAT to replace the Internal Revenue code it could provide the revenues needed to reduce the exorbitant deficits and debt foisted on us by this reckless Democratic Administration. However, here's the rub...Obama and his crack economic team, would not only keep the Income Tax but raise taxes AND, on top of that, layer the taxpayers' burden with a European style VAT tax...PLUS keep on spending like there's no tomorrow!

That said, it would be a mistake for Republicans to dismiss a consumption based tax system too quickly. The VAT could result in fewer loopholes, a fairer tax system and increased revenues. Today's income tax code enables 50% of of taxpayers NOT to pay any tax at all which means that massive tax hikes are inevitable.

Bruce Bartlett, a former Reagan economic adviser, said the country's finances are in such dire shape, a VAT is the best option to move forward. (Is it?)

The VAT as proposed by this administration should be strongly opposed; however, in 2012 the Republican Party could offer to REPLACE the Income tax with a FLAT TAX, or VAT, in order to dig this Country out of this gigantic debt hole, promise to reduce spending, shrink the size of government and eventually balance the budget.

Today the public's anger over the horrifying government debt and oppressive growth of government might well signal the peoples' willingness to accept a bold NEW SOLUTION that won't involve class warfare or soaking the rich.

The elimination of the unpopular Internal Revenue System might be just the BIG IDEA Republicans need to win the presidency in 2012?