Friday, December 02, 2011

The Generic Republican

As Obama's approval ratings slump to the all time low of 43%, it becomes crystal clear that the 2012 race to the WH is the Republican Party's to lose.

Although polls show that a generic republican would defeat the incumbent President easily, Republican primary candidates seem unable to rally voters behind any one of them.

Conservative voters continue to search for anyone but Romney; they're now forced to accept the inevitable, i.e, Romney is electable nationally..which IS, or should be..R-goal. For years in bipartisan circles we've heard that the win is in the center...well, approval of Obama has dropped steadily among Independents. This month it's plummeted by 10pts to 30%.

Consider this: Mitt Romney draws more votes from various constituencies than any other contender. Finally, with all his perceived faults by hard core Conservatives..Romney IS the Generic Republican... the one & only that can trounce Barack Obama in it or not?