Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Silent Majority

The Tea Party = the Right Wing; Occupy Wall Street = the Left Wing.,32068,628821312001_2024475,00.html

If it bleeds it leads..and so the Media, as usual, covers the noise, plays up the divide, making it appear that the whole country is marching in the streets against capitalism and the "rich" OR opposing taxing millionaires, demanding cuts in government spending at the cost of providing services that matter to us all. What we have is gridlock in DC and millions of disaffected people in the middle of two competing fringe groups.

To their dismay, Obama is playing both sides against the middle making the hostility against him worse. The Tea Party is stubbornly insisting that their candidate be ideologically in sinc with every facet of their agenda; and the Democrats align themselves with the Wall Street rioteers who claim to portray 99% of Americans... a vast exaggeration that fails to acknowledge the silent majority.

So which candidate benefits from this tangle of fringe elements of both parties? Surely not Obama, his governing style has been uneffective and partisan. His campaign rhetoric places him above it all, on the wrong track; not a good place to be in an election year. Has the fed-up middle of the pack chosen a candidate, yet?

Who knows? the Media certainly isn't projecting positive coverage on a huge part of the electorate that's definitely looking for an alternative to Obama. So we're on our own...perhaps Romney's reserved confidence and low key style is just what the doctor ordered..but we won't hear a peep about it until we shut out the noise and listen to the quiet folk who will elect the next President of the US of A.

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