Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The 20th Debate...and the winner is?

What a horrifying experience!! Bleeding heart Liberal excuses for losers; big government solutions and bailouts for millions of irresponsible gimme folks. Neither Democrat sees America as the land of plenty but full of needy people unable to survive without Hillary or Barack's rescue packages. What Country do they live in?

Conservatives of every stripe, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, capable, independent Americans had to be thinking...this is why a Liberal never wins the Presidency. They always assume voters will gladly pay for the mistakes and poor choices of their fellow citizens by digging deep into their pockets for expensive Government Programs, i.e. huge tax increases? Alas, Liberals always get it so wrong.

(CICs run amok)
Half way through the questions and answers, you could hear voting machines ringing for John McCain. The Democrats outlined his campaign for him, LESS IS BEST. Less spending, less taxes, less government regulation of business, trade and the people. A strong, experienced CIC who'll win the Iraq war NOW so we don't have to go back to save the Iraqis and fight Al Qaeda all over again. When Obama was asked by Tim Russert; "What if we withdraw as you suggest and Al Qaeda returns and makes Iraq a haven to plot against the USA? Would you send the troops back? Trapped, he had to say: Yes, as President, I would have to protect the American people. Soooo, isn't it a mistake to quit NOW? Isn't he and Hillary WRONG!!

In 2001 Obama gave a speech condemning the Iraq invasion but when he was elected to the Senate and given a chairmanship on the oversight Committee for Afghanistan, he didn't call ONE hearing to determine if NATO and the US were doing everything possible to succeed. Is that the good judgement he claims will make him a better CIC than Hillary or McCain? He was barely settled in the Senate when he started to run for President. Was he ready to be a Senator? Certainly NOT ready to be President and CIC.

Hillary voted for the Iraq Resolution but last night said she regretted her vote. She sounded very much like John Kerry who voted for it before he voted against it? Is SHE ready to stick to her guns from day ONE? Neither Democratic candidate is qualified to be CIC in time of War or when terrorists are threatening to kill us all. John McCain IS.

(Poor Diagnosis)
Both Democrats spent 20 minutes debating Universal Health was scary. Hillary's is mandated with enforcement provisions, even young healthy folks must get it. It's Hillary Care deja vu..and we know how that worked out in 1993? Obama's is voluntary but with government subsidies for those who can't afford the bargain basement prices. Their proposed Health Care programs alone will cost the tax payers an estimated 3 trillion dollars. America can not afford Universal Health will never materialize but Liberals keep banging the drum in vain.

(No place like Home)
Obama's bailout plan (Stop Fraud Act) for sub-prime losers threatens lenders with fines and prison and lets bankruptcy judges tear up the contracts and write new ones. Anything that increases the risk of loan losses increases interest rates. If mortgages are rewritten by judicial fiat, nullifying a contract between two private entities, mortgage loans become scarce and available only to those with high income and perfect credit. This means that redlining, will be business as usual; i.e., low income folks won't be able to buy homes.

Hillary's help is more heavy handed, a 90 day moratorium on subprime foreclosures thus giving select beneficiaries three months of rent free living. She also wants to dictate an automatic freeze for interest rates on subprime mortages keeping rates below market introductory rates for at least 5 years. Not only is that UNconstitutional but it's a terrible solution that will do more harm than good to the housing market.

Senators should stay out of the PRIVATE economy. Let the private sector..lenders and borrowers..take the hit for their own greedy speculations. Let lenders loan money only to those who can pay and let borrowers learn how to read a contract before they sign it, and understand that an ADJUSTABLE rate mortgage will ADJUST and a FIXED mortgage rate will NOT.

(The Audacity of Hope)
John McCain is achieving what Hillary has failed to do, taking Barack Obama to task on his utter lack of experience and scant qualifications to be President and CIC. With unexpected help from Conservative talk radio denizens, that hit Obamamania on anti-white and Muslim religious connections, weakness on National Security and support from anti-semite, Louis Farrakhan, McCain while cleverly distancing himself from RW low blows to the hysterical Barack phenominon, is gaining popularity with conservative to centrist Americans who recoil at the thought of Left Wing Progressives interfering in every aspect of their private lives, taxing them into poverty and effectively doing it to them from the White House.

Polls show McCain beating either Hillary or Obama nationally. Even the most skeptical about R-chances have got see the possibility of John McCain, the most experienced, authentic, Republican Maverick becoming the next President of the United States.

(Firing Line)
William F. Buckley died today while writing his last column at his desk in his home in Connecticut. When I was growing up in Brooklyn, New York and becoming aware politically, my father and I would watch the conservative icon on the PBS show Firing Line.

At that time Liberals were dominant; Conservatives were an oddity and not considered as intellectual as Harvard educated Liberals. On the show, Buckley, a word-meister extraordinaire, would take on a know it all Liberal and teach him a few things about the English language if not Conservatism. He introduced me to a new kind of politics and forced me to use a dictionary.

Buckley wrote 56 books and thousands of columns; he founded the National Review and loved to sail..he never wasted a day of his life..he lived a consequential life worth remembering.

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